
My name is Emiljano Hoxha an undergraduate student at the City College of New York. I began my first year of college here in August and it’s been a great experience as my first semester is almost coming to a close. I’ve gotten comfortable pretty easily here at CCNY and my FIQWS class was also a great part of my first experience here at CCNY.

This site will include everything I have done for US Experience in the fall semester. Every assignment I have been assigned or tasked to do. Those assignments ranged from reading a specific book involving black history in America to learning how to use new forms of writing skills for papers or even grant essays.

I will begin this website by first elaborating on one major assignment for my reading class which was to read a book and analyze it. The book I was given to read will be explained and readers may grasp a decent understanding on what I have read.

I will follow up on that with assignments I was tasked to do in my composition class and I will give my thoughts on those and how they helped me thus far.